A good friend said "- The beach is a strip between two principles”. I don't think he meant any desirable policy or dogma to follow...but as the scientist he is, he probably wants to look at the basic phenomenon... of the sea, as part of the great unknown. Perhaps as a dividing line in its form, ie the horizon line that separates sky and sea. An image I usually see as a symbol of the conscious and the unconscious. What lies beneath the surface is a hidden world which only appears to me in small fragments. The second principle I suppose is civil society on land with all its rules and something we all have a relationship with. The beach is the narrow border in between. A region of some freedom and dissolution of norms. On a beach, you can mostly naked discuss politics with acquaintances, let fine sand run between your fingers, like an hourglass, while you interpret all the actions of the world. Most are approaching life like a game on the beach and we all notice a point, an end in nature. Therefore, the beach is also a bitter experience of a future we will never see.